
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Gas power cycles

Gas power cycle  ;

   Gas is one of the fundamental states of matter

  Real gas : It is a gas which posses

   1.compressibility Effect
   2.Non-equlillibrium thermodynamic effect
   3.variable specific heat capacity

Ideal gas :

A perfect gas or ideal gas is a theoritical gas that differs from real gas,ideal gas is one which obeys all the law under all conditions of pressure and temperature

Boyle's law :

  At constant temperature (T) pressure is inversly proportional to volume 

             P=C 1/V

           P1 V1=P2V2=P3V3

Charle's law :

    At constant pressure (P) volume is directly proportional to temperature
            V directly proportional to T
            V  =  C T      at P=C

 Gayissac law :

       At constant volume (V) pressure (P) is directly proportional to temperature

      P directly proportional to T
      P = C T    at V=C
      P/T =C
      P1/T1 = P2/T2 =P3/T3

 Characteristics Gas Constant : PV=MRT

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