Thursday, November 7, 2019



     Pascals law said that "the pressure or intensity of pressure at any point in a fluid at rest, is the same in all directions".That is when a certain pressure is applied at any point in a fluid at rest, the pressure is equally transmitted in all the direction and to every other point in the fluid.

The Pascal's law is used in the construction of hydraulic machine , such as, hydraulic press, hydraulic jack, hydraulic lift, hydraulic crane , etc. In which by application of  relatively small forces a large forces are developed. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Gas power cycles

Gas power cycle  ;

   Gas is one of the fundamental states of matter

  Real gas : It is a gas which posses

   1.compressibility Effect
   2.Non-equlillibrium thermodynamic effect
   3.variable specific heat capacity

Ideal gas :

A perfect gas or ideal gas is a theoritical gas that differs from real gas,ideal gas is one which obeys all the law under all conditions of pressure and temperature

Boyle's law :

  At constant temperature (T) pressure is inversly proportional to volume 

             P=C 1/V

           P1 V1=P2V2=P3V3

Charle's law :

    At constant pressure (P) volume is directly proportional to temperature
            V directly proportional to T
            V  =  C T      at P=C

 Gayissac law :

       At constant volume (V) pressure (P) is directly proportional to temperature

      P directly proportional to T
      P = C T    at V=C
      P/T =C
      P1/T1 = P2/T2 =P3/T3

 Characteristics Gas Constant : PV=MRT

Monday, November 4, 2019


Explain Management ?

    Management may be defined as the art of getting work done efficiently and effectively through and by the people,with satisfaction for employer, employees and the public. 

Characteristics of management

  1.It should Co-ordinate all the people in an organization for achieving their goals. 
  2.It should utilize all the available resources and secure the maximum result. 
  3.It should distribute the work among the workers based on their skills and effort. 
  4.It should accept and encourage any new ideas from the personnel of the industry that may result in better production. 
  5.It should motivate people and provide training for the workers to improve their skills
  6.It should have better inspection over the workers for their output. 
  7.It should look after whether the target production has been achieved as per market demand. 

  Level of management :

1.Top management
2.Middle management
3.Lower management. 

Functions of management :

1.Forecasting  2.planning   3.organising
4.staffing         5.Directing


Friday, November 1, 2019


Define Centrifugal pump ? 

        The centrifugal pump is a device to lift the liquid from lower to higher level by developing the necessary pressure with the help of centrifugal action. In general it can be defined as a machine to increase the pressure energy of the fluid. In the centrifugal pump, the mechanical energy of rotating impeller is converted in to the pressure energy of the fluid.

The main parts of centrifugal pump :

  3.Suction pipe
  4.Foot valve and strainer
  5.Delivery pipe

Tuesday, October 29, 2019



    Air cooler works on the principle of evaporating cooling. It is generally used in dry climate as such it is sometimes called as desert cooler. In this case water is used as a cooling medium. The temperature of air is decreased (I.e. sensible heat is removed) by the water when air is brought in contact with the water. Water absorbs heat from the air and evaporates. To compensate loss of water due to evaporation, make up of water is added.


The basic components are fans, water pump and pads through which air is enter the cooler. The electric driven pump pumps the water from the bottom tank to the top headers. The header have holes through which the water trickles down and pass through pads fitted on three sides of the cooler. Air sucked through pads from three sides gets cooled . The cool air is discharged by the motor driven fan in to the room or space to be cooled. The direction of air flow can be adjusted with the help of grills fitted on the discharge side of the cooler. 


For better performance pads to be changed every year and water tank should be cleaned from time to time

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Law of Parallelogram of Forces

Law of parallelogram of forces

The law of parallelogram of forces is used to determine the resultant*of two forces acting at a point in a plane. It states "If two forces acting at a point be represented in magnitude and direction by the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram, them their resultant is represented in magnitude and direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram passing through that point. "

Law of conservation of energy

Law of conservation of energy

    It states that the energy can neither be created nor destroyed through it can be transformed from one form to another form. The second statement of this law is :
   "The total energy possessd by a body remains constant provided no energy is added to or taken from it"
         W= Weight of body
         m=Mass of body=W/g
          h= Height of tower